The European Commission has unveiled a plan to boost the growth of the drone industry within Europe

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Back at the end of November, the European Commission proposed a strategy to define the technical and operational requirements for drones and to promote the growth of the drone market in Europe, with the aim of making the use of drones in emergency services, mapping and surveillance in various industries commonplace in Europe by 2030.

European air taxi regulation could come in 2023

  • Reading Time:6Minutes

Air taxis will revolutionise urban transport worldwide. Drone transport could become commonplace in many places in the next decade. The first vehicles will only carry luggage, but from then on there will be no stopping them – we could be travelling in flying taxis by the end of the decade. But how ready are different countries and regions to launch this service?

Regulation of special operations with drones in Europe

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The EU’s declared aim with the introduction of the new regulation was to create a single market in the drone sector, making it easier to provide services abroad. Article 13 of the Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/947 created the legal possibility for this in principle, the essence of which is that the licence obtained must be notified to the competent foreign authority of the place of the planned operation.

In Europe, the Taiwanese CIRC

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Automated solutions are one of the fastest growing sectors in the drone industry. This year, a new player is entering the continent. Taiwan-based Coretronic Intelligent Robotics Corporation (CIRC) is already present in Asia as an artificial intelligence (AI)-based drone-in-a-box (DIB) provider.